
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Much Delay in Posting

I can't figure out exactly why, but I've had no discipline to write much in the past month. I'm sorry, baby girl inside me, that I haven't been keeping up with your journal as much as I could be. Please let me make it up to you someday!

I went to Oregon for a few days to visit my little sister. We bonded and stuff. Brett stayed home with Nova and they bonded too of course! And since I've been back home, we have just been so so busy! Brett's work at Rdio has been somewhat grueling for him. So he's been stressed out a lot. The PMC (Pacifica Mothers' Club) has been keeping me busy and sometimes stressed as well. But I'm so glad I have the club to keep me focused on my job - that is Mothering!  

I had a Midwife appointment three weeks ago and got a flu shot. Of course it made me a bit sick right after. But then I was fine until two days ago, when I started getting a scratchy throat and bad cough. I has a mild fever yesterday which broke quickly during a nap. Now I am recovering and taking it easy so that this weekend I can fully enjoy our trip to Disneyland! Saturday will be the 5-year Anniversary of the day I married Brett. D-Land is not exactly how I imagined we'd be sending our very romantic 5-year milestone of marriage, but it is what we are doing. We wanted to take Nova there before she turned three (because we are cheap and she doesn't have to pay to get in). And Brett's brother is taking his family there this week, so we planned to join up with them, which will make it a lot more fun for Nova as her cousin, Ellen, will also be there with us. I do hope though, that Brett and I can remember that this is an important weekend for us. And I hope he knows that I love him above all else in the world. 

As for the baby growing inside me, she seems really healthy. Since her placenta is posterior, there is not much cushioning between her and my belly, so I feel everything she does. One funny thing is that whenever Chango (the cat, 12 years old) lays against me on the couch, the baby girl starts kicking at him really hard! It is super funny, because it seems like she knows he's right there leaning against her. Perhaps she feels his subtle purring and heartbeat. Nova did that a few times too when she was inside, but nothing like this. *Also, Brett and I are pretty sure we have chosen a a first name for her. NOw I am trying to figure out her middle name. But don't ask, please. We are not telling! :)

I treated myself to a PreNatal Massage last week as I was feeling pretty stressed out and all tight in the muscles. My therapist is so great. She is 7 months pregnant herself and she is the owner of Ocean Yoga, which is a beautiful little studio very near my house. I was going to yoga there for a month with a super cheap new student discount, but when that month trial membership ran out, Brett and I decided it was too much money for me to keep going. So I intend to get a DVD or something to do at home, because I really need to keep up my strength and flexibility if I wanna successful VBAC experience.

That reminds me - I watched all 4 episodes of More Business of Being Born on Netflix. They are follow-up documentaries made by Ricki Lake and her good friend who together also made a full-length Business of Being Born film a few years ago. I watched that one right after Nova was born when I was still on maternity leave. These are very informative films about the controversies surrounding hospital births, home births, C-Sections and Prenatal care. I recommend all pregnant women watch them so they can see that there are more options out there than the typical Western Medicine/Hospital-based deliveries of babies in our country. The VBAC thing is very important to me (as I mentioned very early on in this blog) because I don't want another section. I want a chance to be the first one to hold this child when she is born. I want her to see me and smell me and snuggle with me first. Brett got that chance with Nova and I am so happy that they had that bond. Hope I am so lucky.


  1. I'm really proud of you for your dedication to a VBAC. I know it's not easy to find doctors that will work toward that goal with you! xxoo Have a great time in Disney. and Happy Anniversary!

  2. Thank for the tip. I'm going to check out those DVD's. Besos

  3. Thanks, Sharon. UCSF is one of the top advocate hospitals for VBACs, so I have a good chance there.
    Rita, those films are all streamable on Netflix. Do watch them. Very informative. Hope Hapa Baby is healthy and happy in there!

    1. Ahhh UCSF. I spend way too much time there lately, but yes, they are awesome!
