
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hormones, Headaches, & Kidney Stones

I may be feeling ok today (so far) but just about every other day in the past week I was what you'd call a nervous wreck. I've broken down into fits of tears, laid on the floor depressed and afraid, called my Mommy and my husband at their offices sobbing uncontrollably and completely indecipherable, poured a strawberry yogurt smoothy down the front AND back of my body, ran away crying from a stupid  '80's Netflix movie, yelled at my poor two year old child, got into a fight with our landlord and also managed to spend all of my husband's last paycheck.
I am pretty sure rapidly fluctuating pregnancy hormones are to blame for the bad moments. I wonder when they will begin to normalize again? Cuz my poor family is getting a bit worried. And I am worn right out. Even the internet stresses me out. I can't read, write, cook, or shower. I am useless. But not really.... it just seems like it to my manic brain chemicals.
Unrelated to my mind problems, I am passing kidney stones left and right this year! I've thrown two in as many weeks. I did some research and it seems maybe pregnancy can cause more than my usual formation of them. Great. Bonus! They don't hurt that bad but are annoying and make me feel sorry for myself. I did find a funny web community called though. And I'm getting some tests done and being referred to a urologist. Oh. Heachaches too. Almost every day. I hope I don't get high-blood pressure or anything. My friend in Denver just had her baby girl a month early because her pre-eclampsia was ruining her liver. But they are all ok, thank god. <3 p="p">What else... on a happy note, I started Prenatal Yoga classes and I absolutely love them. I look forward to Thursday mornings now. I also love Saturday mornings when I get to take Nova to ballet class. It makes her so happy. And I am so proud of her.
Brett feels the baby move a lot now when he puts his hand on my belly. I'm now in the third trimester and it's getting pretty real that I'll be having a baby soon. I started a baby registry online and my great friend, Summer, is beginning to plan a girlie baby shower for me. I am blessed really. And I'm able to see that - even though I mostly just complain. I love my life! Really I do! And my friends, and my family, and my baby girls most of all.

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