
Monday, December 31, 2012

Holiday Hemeroids! And clock is ticking!

Merry Christmas! I have hemeroids and constipation, headaches and terrible heartburn. Being pregnant rules!

Also, I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions mulitiple times a day. I've had them since the second trimester started, but now they come with a pretty sweet surge of Oxitocin hormone. This makes me feel really light-headed and kinda drugged up for a minute. The waves of hormones give me hot flashes too. Fun times!

Sleeping is impossible because I can barely move my bulk from side to side in an effort to get comfortable. Nova still won't sleep in her room alone since we converted her bed to toddler style. And a week at my mom's house didn't help her training since she got to sleep every night in one big bed between mommy and daddy.

There is precious time left to get the house ready for our new arrival. I am 34.5 weeks in, leaving only 2 weeks til full term, and 5 weeks max til delivery time. Hopefully we will be getting a mini crib for Nova's room, but won't really need it for a while. We plan on setting up the same pretty pack-n-play that Nova used her first few weeks in our room for a few months. I hope to also get a glider chair to nurse in. But they ones I like ae so freaking expensive.

Midwife appointments are now every two weeks apart. One tomorrow and then they go to once a week. Reality is seting in (at least for me; I don't think Brett really gets it yet) that this baby will be coming into our physical lives very soon!

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